Saturday, January 3, 2009


Many of the leading Naturopathic doctors know that death begins in the colon. We try out best to get this point across to our patients, but for some reason, people are very detached from this issue and do not like to address it. Embarrassment maybe? Icky subject? Bathroom Trauma? I don't know, but folks, this is a serious as it can be and needs to be looked at head on, discussed and corrected, if you ever have a hope of being healthy! Naturopathic medicine and treatment of the body is based on two very simple principles. A healthy body will get ill for two reasons. One, the body has become toxic and has too much to process and the organs and systems begin to break down. This can be due to infections from microorganisms, pesticides, heavy metals, etc... Detoxing is the number one treatment that is used by naturopaths. The three areas of the body that become problematic first are the areas that work on eliminating these toxins from the body. The liver, the kidneys and the colon. If any one of those three gets overloaded, symptoms of illness will begin to set in. It has always been alarming to me, how people disregard this basic principle and continue to add toxins into their bodies when they are all ready not functioning at 100%. Our number one liver detox is the 4-Herb Tea and for the kidneys we use Dr. Chi's Asparagus Extract packets. Both of these are recommended for at least 3 months and can be taken at the same time. The focus today, however, is on the toxic colon. A healthy, proper functioning colon, is critical to a healthy body, yet most people ignore this. I have patients who have told me that they have bowel movements once a week, some even longer than that. Now think about this. You eat two to three meals a day. The body is supposed to break the food down and use the nutritional content and expel the rest in a timely fashion. A person with a normal healthy colon should have at least one or two bowel movements a day. If you don't, this is what happens. The food rots in there. Parasites take hold, bacteria and candida take hold and all kinds of problems begin. This rotting fecal matter gives off toxins that puts the rest of the body on overload trying to eliminate it. The number one cause of headaches, which is a toxic condition, is constipation.

When this rotting starts, the poisons and opportunistic organisms move also into the small intestine. Here you have the chronic candida problem leading to Reflux disease and digestive disorders, including chronic bloating and flatulence. Not only this, but when the problem reaches overload, lesions in the colon, polyps, and cancer (mutating cells due to too many toxins) arise. Colon cancer is preventable by making sure your colon is cleaned out and running properly. It is also one of the easiest cancers to cure, by the way. I don't care what the medical profession says about cancer being incurable, I have seen it cured so many times in the last 18 years, I have no doubt that it is completely curable!

Healthy bowel movements should have no smell. They should be passed with little to no straining and the body should be sending you a clear signal when you have to go. If you ignore this, the fecal matter will dry out and continue to build up and become toxic. Cleaning out the colon, is one of the easiest and best things that you can possibly do for your health and longevity.

The other cause of illness is malnutrition. Yes, that's right, malnutrition and millions of Americans are dying of it right now. I have seen alarming trends in my hair analysis reports. At least 80% of my recent cases have all had serious malnutrition issues. Most of these people that I test take vitamins and supplements too, but why are they not absorbing them? Simply because the colon is not working properly and is toxic. Without colon cleansing the walls of the colon build up a tough mucus coating which interferes with proper nutrient absorption. Also parasites that make their home there, continue to eat up the nutrients sent down to help the body. Chronic candida gives off toxic mycotoxins that also interfere with absorption. My research has shown that chronic candida depletes iron and calcium from the body leading to Chronic Fatigue syndrome, Fibromyalgia, leg cramping and arthritis symptoms. Also many people are totally depleted of enzymes, which are only found in raw foods and enzyme supplements, and these are essential for breaking down the food into assimulatable form. People that have taken antibiotics have also killed off the natural disease fighting acidophilus and bifidus bacteria in the colon leaving it wide open for all opportunistic infections. But let me say this one more time, if your colon has never been cleansed then you are at high risk for major illness problems.

Meroo Anilkumar Shah
Giriraj Enterprise
150,Highway,Opp: Petrol Pump
UNJHA-384170 (Gujarat)
Tele: 91-2767-252214, 253788, 247997
Fax : 91-2767-252614

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